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just skip to minute 8:19 to hear Judge Mathis explicitly tell this kid that he is NOT from the streets.
Earlier today Unofficial posted an FDwear video Last Friday that was controversial, to say the least, amongst our readers. If you didn’t see the video you should watch it. You may be entertained, shocked, or you may not care much, but it seems like the overwhelming response based on the comments was embarrassment to be in the ski industry alongside such thugs. The video was probably made with humor in mind, but some reckless behavior didn’t have many unofficial viewers laughing.
This video is of David Lesh, the owner of First Drop Wear (FD Wear) in 2001 on the T.V. show Judge Mathis. Here really shows how Lesh’s troubled upbringing on the streets of Wisconsin’s concrete jungle led to his gat-toting, grill-flashing persona in Last Friday. The T.V. episode is long and painful to watch, so just skip to minute 8:19 to hear Judge Mathis explicitly tell this kid that he is NOT from the streets. Lesh openly admits this in 2001, yet now he is makin’ it rain with a pistol in his pants.